Horrible Histories - Terrifying Tudors Tonie

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One for the real history buffs, who want history with all the horrors left in.

Walk in the footsteps of the Terrible Tudors with this terrifically terrifying Tonie – if you’re brave enough! Discover all the facts they don’t teach you at school, from the horrifying Henries to Tudor torture and more.


  1. Deary Me
  2. Heaven for Henry Seven
  3. Henry Eight and Ate
  4. Advertising Break
  5. Horrible Henry
  6. Terrible Teacher Testing
  7. Awful for Anne & Hair for Mary
  8. Ships and Things
  9. Crime Time
  10. Murder for Marlowe
  11. The End of The Tudors


  • Sturdy + robust
  • Suitable for 6 years+
  • Running time: approx. 55 minutes
  • Hand-painted, magnetic character
  • Add the Tonie character on-top of the Tonie Toniebox (sold separately)