Author: Green, Marian
Magic, spells & alchemy
Published on 1 May 2018 by WOODEN BOOKS in the United Kingdom as part of 'the Wooden Books' series.
Paperback | 64 pages, 200
155 x 125 x 8 | 82g
What is the difference between an amulet and a charm? When would be the right time to make a talisman? And, if you absolutely had to, how would you cast a spell? In this unique little book, scholar Marian Green unravels the complex web of associations and correspondences which form the backbone of the Western magical arts. Packed with rare illustrations and useful tables, there is no better volume for the modern travelling magician. WOODEN BOOKS are small but packed with information. 'Fascinating' FINANCIAL TIMES. 'Beautiful' LONDON REVIEW OF BOOKS. 'Rich and Artful' THE LANCET. 'Genuinely mind-expanding' FORTEAN TIMES. 'Excellent' NEW SCIENTIST. 'Stunning' NEW YORK TIMES. Small books, big ideas.