The Mysterious Mr. Badman : A Yorkshire Bibliomystery : 108



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Author: Harvey, W. F., Edwards, Martin

Classic crime

Published on 10 November 2022 by British Library Publishing in the United Kingdom as part of 'the British Library Crime Classics' series.

Paperback | 208 pages
131 x 190 x 19 | 202g

On holiday in Keldstone visiting his nephew, Jim, blanket manufacturer Athelstan Digby agrees to look after the old bookshop on the ground floor of his lodgings while his hosts are away. On the first day of his tenure, a vicar, a chauffeur and an out-of-town stranger enquire after The Life and Death of Mr. Badman by John Bunyan. When a copy mysteriously arrives at the shop in a bundle of books brought in by a young scamp, and is subsequently stolen, Digby moves to investigate the significance of the book along with his nephew, and the two are soon embroiled in a case in which the stakes have risen from antiquarian book-pinching to ruthless murder.

First published in a limited run in 1934, this exceedingly rare and fast-paced bibliomystery set against the landscapes of Yorkshire is long overdue its return to print.